Classify to Clarify
Aligns with CCSSR1--Read closely...the examples that students put into a chart can be from a story, a history, any fiction or nonfiction.
In fact, they can use a chart to classify the information in a history and the information in a story about the same event to see how the same
texts tell the same event differently.
Constructed Response Organizer: Two-Column Chart
Chart Vocabulary
Smart Chart Picture Vocabulary Grades K-2
Smart Chart Word Bank Grades 3-8
Chart Fiction
Chart Feelings with Synonyms and Antonyms
I Can Locate and Classify Information about a Story—one page postable questions
I Can Locate and Classify Information from a Story
Whistler Upper Grade Metaphor Chart
Chart to Clarify Content Area ideas from READING NONFICTION
KEY IDEA: A Place has characteristics
Assess with Charts-Compare and Contrast History
Students read to find answers to their own questions, Gray School.